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This stunner of a babe skipped on starting a business with a couple of friends. They own a flower shop and it is only fitting that she skips on the idea, seeing that she shares her flower with a boyfriend on a regular basis.Here we catch them having naughty fun on the pool table. Japanese Upkirt And she is quite good at it, we might add. Her beautiful natural body would turn any cock into a pool cue within seconds. And hearing her moan while getting her tight pussy stretched will only get you to cum faster than you ever did.Ivi Rein is just doodling and daydreaming about her new stepdaddy, Ricky Rascal, when he joins her for a minute. Ivi can't help but make doe eyes at Ricky, but he does a good job of ignoring her. Later, Ivi decides that she is going to at least see the D even if Ricky won't use it to fuck her. She sneaks a peak as Ricky is changing from his shower, and just the sight of that big one leaves her masturbating.Ricky is oblivious to his stepdaughter's wants, but when Ivi decides to come on to him he is tentatively open to it. She dresses in skimpy clothes and brings him some water, then cuddles close to him on the couch. Taking the control from her stepdaddy's hands, Ivi goes into full on seduction mode. Ricky tries to pretend he doesn't know what's happening, but Ivi is relentless. Soon enough she has her hands on his hardon.
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